I have this odd fascination with couples displaying their love permanently in public places. I always wonder if they are still together or if they broke up and completely hate each other.
So I take pictures when it strikes me. I have pics from bar walls, from dollar bills hung on restaurant walls - I even have one from the brick wall at Graceland in Memphis.
Today is January 31st. And until January 31, 2014, today was always an ordinary day. It wasn't someone's birthday. It wasn't a holiday. Every January 31st prior to 2014 was a day like any other. The last day of January. The day before payday.
I lost my brother, Joel Sloan, on January 31, 2014. He left this planet where he had been suffering in excruciating pain from Stage IV colon cancer. For the rest of my life, January 31st will be a day of remembrance for me. A day to remember him with smiles and sadness.
I have told my children many things in preparation for the trials that Life will one day bring them. Like, "no matter what happens, things will always get better." I want them to always hold on to Hope. Times can be bad. But they never stay that way. All you have to do is wait it out. Or, "there is a solution for everything." This comes in handy especially with my oldest son who is impatient and gives up easily (of course he turns it around on me quite a bit lol).
But I have always reminded them that everything ends. It is natural. We are born and we die. We fall in love and we fall out of love. We create something and that creation is consumed. Nothing lasts. It is the way that Life is. We should not fear it but try to accept it and realize that after an ending, there is always a new beginning.
Someone close to you passes on to another life and you look around at other people and think, "How can you laugh? How can there be happiness? How can you sit there and act like the world didn't just end?" And time goes on and you laugh again and you find some joy and you realize the world didn't end. Just one part of you.
I see pictures of my brother's wife and sons and see smiles and it makes me glad that they go on. Not like life is perfect. Not like they don't miss him. But there are still good times.
I went on a walk today and snapped a picture of the concrete etching of someone's feelings. C and M (or maybe just C or M) felt compelled to "permanently" display that together they have happiness. I wonder if they are still together. I wonder if M walks that sidewalk at times just to remind herself of something that she had that she doesn't feel anymore. Or maybe she just wishes she had a jackhammer to remove it completely. Or maybe C and M walk hand in hand at night and smile whenever they walk over that part of the path.
Nothing lasts. It's not meant to. Enjoy the path you are on now. Carve your love into a tree. Giggle with your kids about something completely silly. Grin at the camera even if you have a broken heart or miss someone terribly. Look for those things that remind you that there is good and bad in everything and that endings and beginnings co-exist.
Happy birthday in heaven, Joel.
"I'd rather see you up than see you down."--Willie Nelson