I guess I didn’t mean much to you.
Goodbye is so easily said, so easily heard, so easily executed.
Why is it that I think I should have meant so much to you?
Am I a narcissist? Self-obsessed? Self-deluded?
Maybe I just battle against her.
That her that says I’m no good and never good enough.
I hate her but I love her. She is me. She always will be.
She is that small child inside of me with big eyes and big talent but little confidence.
Always trying, always achieving, but still not good enough.
If I could just tell her – if I could somehow hold her hand and tell her how amazing she is.
If I could tell her that she doesn’t need to achieve, she just needs to BE.
Who she is is amazing. She does not need to be the greatest or the best or the most.
She just IS.
So I guess I should thank you for our goodbye. I should thank you for reminding me again how amazing I am.
And it’s okay that I didn’t mean much to you.
I mean a lot to my Self.