I do not believe these are bad questions (of course, I am always the philosopher so I do not feel any questions are bad questions) but it is always interesting to me the answers that some people find. Wouldn't it be nice to wash away all of the liberals? Or the conservatives? Or the sinners? Or the hypocrites? Or whoever it is that gets under your skin that you wish would go away (an ex-boyfriend, perhaps)?
God or Mother Nature or the Universe or Whatever You Call It is not discriminating. It does not care about gender or religious preference or political leanings or sexual persuasion or age. The floods that are devastating Texas have wiped out have claimed victims as young as 4 and 6 and as old as 73.
So WHY? Why do we fight so hard for life and love and have to watch it destroyed?
For me there is no one answer. Each of us has to find the answer inside of ourselves. For one person, they will look down the road and be in a new home and look back and miss things but see that it was for the best. For another person, they will miss their son or their husband but will be able to find blessings in Life and Love again and maybe feel a strength that they didn't have before. For some of us, we look at the things in our lives that need to be cleansed and washed away and realize that once those are gone, we can truly start to rebuild and find healing.
I wrote the following song in a couple of different contexts. I was working out of town and driving in the rain and thinking about the relationship I was in and all of the problems we were having and how it was just a freaking mess and it seemed like everything I tried to do to "fix" it didn't seem to make a difference. I started the first part – "There's a storm raging loud outside my window, but it's not half as loud as the one we've got inside. . . ." I can't remember how much I wrote but Hurricane Ike came along shortly after and I went to Galveston about 6 months after and was struck by how much debris and damage was still left from the storm. I thought about storms and being in a storm in a relationship and how, like a hurricane, when it's happening, there's not anything that you can do. The lights go out. The winds and the rains rage. And all you can do is just watch it happen. . . . But after the storm – when the raging is over and the calm is back, THAT is when you can pick up the pieces and rebuild. You will never have what you once had. Storms forever change you – especially the bad ones. But hopefully, you are stronger and ready to go through the next one remembering that storms never last and you can always rebuild.
Donate to the Red Cross at www.redcross.org and I wish everyone in Texas and anyone around the world who is going through or getting over a storm – PEACE.
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